Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
- Power supply system and release
   + Power supply system and fuel injection
   - System of injection of fuel of the diesel engine. Turbocompressor
      Checks of system of injection of fuel
      Turbocompressor - the general information, removal and installation
      The intercooler - the general information
   + Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Turbocompressor - the general information, removal and installation

The turbocompressor is intended for increase in engine capacity by increase in pressure of air in the inlet pipeline. Air not just comes to cylinders, and moves in them under pressure. According to increase in air supply, TNVD increases fuel supply.

The turbine of the compressor is given to rotation by the fulfilled gases. Gases, passing through a special casing (a compressor casing), move to the compressor turbine. The turbine rotates on a shaft on which other end there is a compressor wheel in a separate casing. It gives air under pressure to the pipeline.

Between the compressor and the pipeline the intercooler is installed (address the Section Intercooler - the general information). In the intercooler air is cooled, compressing at the same time. Partial pressure of oxygen increases that leads to increase in engine capacity.

Air pressure in the pipeline is limited to the special sensor. At achievement of extreme pressure the sensor opens the gate, limiting to that supply of the fulfilled gases to the turbine.

The shaft of the compressor is oiled motive which moves on specially intended hose. The shaft constantly "floats" in oil. From the compressor oil is taken away in the pallet on a returnable hose.

The turbocompressor is a component of a final collector and cannot be separated from it.

Precautionary measures

Speed of rotation of turbines of the compressor is huge, and working temperature is very big. To avoid getting injured and also not to damage a turbocompressor, observe the following precautionary measures.

Do not start the engine after removal of any component of a turbocompressor. Hit of foreign objects on shovels of turbines can lead to an exit of the last out of operation. You also risk to be traumatized from the objects which are thrown out from the turbine.

After removal any a component of a turbocompressor or hoses of an air inlet cover it with pure rags.

Do not give gas at once after start of the engine, especially if it is not heated-up. Oil cannot instantly grease a turbine shaft.

Never switch off ignition at once after a car stop. Do not press an accelerator pedal before an engine stop. At once after switching off of ignition oil ceases to move to a shaft of the compressor and some time it will rotate without lubricant.

Before killing the engine, let's it work on single turns several minutes during which the speed of rotation of the turbine considerably will decrease.

Regularly change oil, an oil filter and the air cleaner. Use of old oil will lead to formation of deposits on a shaft of the compressor and to its exit out of operation. Before disconnecting hoses of giving and return of oil from the compressor, carefully clear nearby surfaces. You store the removed components in tight containers.