Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W220
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
- Automatic transmission
   Problems of the block of electronic control and the operating signals
   Search of malfunctions - the general information
   Removal and the AT installation with the hydrotransformer
   The AT electrohydraulic control unit (AT is established)
   Dismantling and assembly of the electrohydraulic control unit
   Dismantling and assembly of a plate of gear shifting
   Case of transmission and hydrotransformer
   Multidisk brakes of V2, VZ and gear wheel of blocking at "Parking"
   Dismantling and assembly of a back hollow shaft with the back coupling of a free wheeling
   Removal and installation of a multidisk brake B1 and oil pump
   Dismantling and assembly of the oil pump
   Dismantling and assembly of a multidisk brake of B1
   Dismantling and assembly of a multidisk brake of B2
   Dismantling and assembly of an output shaft with the central and back block of planetary gear wheels
   Removal and installation of multidisk couplings K1, K2 and K3
   Dismantling and assembly of coupling of K1
   Dismantling and assembly of the leading shaft with coupling by K2 and the forward block of planetary gear wheels
   Dismantling and assembly of coupling of K3
   The blocking mechanism at "parking"
   Removal and installation of the lever of the selector of gear shifting
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Dismantling and assembly of a plate of gear shifting

And — the Valve of adjustment of working pressure. Valve of adjustment of pressure of lubricant. The valve of adjustment of overlapping at inclusion of 2-3 transfers
In — the Block of inclusion of 1-2/4-5 transfers
Valve of adjustment of pressure of gear shifting

With — the Block of inclusion of 3-4 transfers
D — the Block of inclusion of 2-3 transfers
Coupling of blocking of the adjusting valve. Adjusting B2 valve

Dismantling of a plate of gear shifting

71 — Bolts
72 — the Cover of the case of valves
73 — the Sealing plate

74 — the Case of valves
82 — the Clamp

Dismantling of a plate of gear shifting

59 — the Directing finger
75 — Plastic ball valves

76 — Steel ball valves
143 — the Central clamp

Dismantling of a plate of gear shifting

72 — the Case of valves
72.1 — Transfer choice valve
72.2 — The valve of adjustment of blocking of 2-3 transfers with the plug and the piston
72.3 — Valve of adjustment of pressure of lubricant
72.4 — Valve of adjustment of working pressure

72.5 — Valve of fixing of inclusion of 3-4 transfers
72.6 — The operating valve of inclusion of 3-4 transfers
72.7 — The valve of switching of pressure at inclusion of 3-4 transfers
72.8 — Valve of adjustment of overlapping 3-4

Dismantling of a plate of gear shifting

74 — the Case of valves
74.14 — The operating valve of inclusion of 1-2/4-5 transfers
74.15 — Valve of fixing of inclusion of 1-2/4-5 transfers
74.18 — The valve of adjustment of blocking of 1-2/4-5 transfers with the plug and the piston
74.19 — Valve of adjustment of pressure of gear shifting
74.20 — Valve of adjustment of pressure of the adjusting valve
74.21 — The valve of adjustment of pressure of the switching valve

74.22 — Blocking adjustment valve hydrotransformer
74.24 — The valve of switching of pressure at inclusion of 3-4 transfers
74.25 — The operating valve of inclusion of 2-3 transfers
74.26 — Valve of fixing of inclusion of 2-3 transfers
74.27 — Valve of switching B2

The plate of gear shifting is shown on an illustration.



1. Turn off clamps 82.
2. Turn off bolts 71.
3. Uncover the case of valves 72 the case of valves 74.
4. Remove a sealing plate 73. All 12 balls are located in the case of valves, four 75 of which - plastic, other 8 76 - steel.
5. Turn off covers of the case of valves. Plugs and pistons of adjusting valves 72.2, 72.8 and 74.18 should not be mixed. The valve of switching B2 can be removed and installed when the case of valves is uncovered.



Assembly is carried out as it should be, the return to dismantling. Implant the directing finger 59 into the case of valves (shooter).